Monday, December 2, 2013

Found him this morning....the boys had no prompting but they had elf hats on and were on a mission to find Ryan the elf!
the next day he brought yummy advent calandars or as Baylen called them last year "Alander Calandar"

And this morning Ryan was up to coloring a Christmas Tree of his own...hiding in a cabinet

lots of fun decorating the tree

Thanksgiving fun

What a ham

Bo and his look a like

 only Bo...he makes a cute wreath
 Sporting the shirts aunt Brenda picked out...they said they were really cool dudes!
 I remember just like yesterday sitting at the counter at Add's...I love how McRae is acting like he has none this before...
 Afternoon filled with lots of pretend a sleigh and Bo is using a sock for a beard....I love love it
 Bo loves my to be the center of a crowd and have family do whatever they really want with him not fair I am the oldest...thought it use to be cool....
 What an AMAZING family! Kathy, Dave, Grandave, PatPat, McCall, Clair, Mom and Mickey
I have so many memories as a kid growing up with this bunch....SOOOO many fun times....makes me kinda sad (a good sad) to think about...Thankful for the memories...
 Don't worry Bo, there are three boys looking up to you to beat them up in football...your day will come :)

 Yes, this is me getting handed to by my eighty year old grandfather...he means serious business. Can't imagine a Thanksgiving without a pool tournament and people sitting on teh bar stools watching :)
 even dressing like Robin did not allow Baylen to kick the virus!
 McRae is LESS then thrilled
 McRae wants so badly to get into that fun tub!!!!
 I for real waked into this...just like this...Check out Baylens arm...Bo looked at me and said they needed some privacy because he was reading and learning with his brother...I also love the fact he stopped pretend play (notice the transformer dress up suit) to read to his brother...pass the tissues please.
 You have to look closley but McRae loves to hang out at the window and watch Bo and Baylen play...they are acting like ninjas and rolling down the hilll....lots of karate chopping going on...I wish I knew what McRae was yelling at them...he has ALOT to say!
 Christmas in Five that my kids still love to get balloon animals....
 Me and my best girl at the UGA is in her blood can I get a whoop whoop!
 Long day at the soccer fields...precious....just could eat them up
And Bo became a Royal reader and got to wear a robe...carry a staff and wear a crown...He at it up...He was not pleased when baylen showed up for lunch in a batman outfit. What was I thinking. Here he is about to battle batman...but you can see he got over it pretty quickly

 Finding Rocky the Lobster at trader Joes is like Baylens third most favorite thing next to candy and lem-lade
 We talked about pumpkin pie for days, and here is his reaction when he saw it....
Storytime is one of our favorites....

Bo dreaming of a Batman Christmas

My two superheros
Popcorn is in....and there is this same amount stacked on the floor!
Scout Bike ride with my favorite boy scout....

ready for church...and you can't forget the mask!
Bo at his first lego club was so neat. ACC library is so wonderful...
So it is my goal to post daily during this wonderful Advent season. I will have elf posts and lots of fun stuff we are up to.
This week thinking a lot about HOPE
and that we all can have hope in eachother, helping eachother and looking out for eachother....
I am hopeful everyday...for so many things.....
thanking a hopeful God for my MANY blessings....

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