Monday, November 11, 2013

 Baylen got to bring Froggy Home
He was very Sa-sited!

On the way home from school....what an adventure we will have!

Headed outside to play...yes in shorts, a polo shirt and rain boots....

Coloring in the playhouse

What a sweet smile

 Playing a little keyboard

So I had to do it...briefly McRae was a little girl (notice the purple clip in his hair aka tree)

I turned my back and McRae climbed up on the art table...
what in the world....He has a look of mischief

Or maybe yeah look at me
you know I am cute 
what'cha gonna do about it
Cause if you tell me know
You know what will happen...

 Posing Froggy at body plex

Getting some muscles

 Baylen was staring to really get into this.....

 Froggy had lunch with Sam and Bo at Baylens wink..that is his signature go to pose in front of the camera....note froggy has the visitor sticker on....

at the homecoming slippers and part robin costume...very neat evening just me mcrae and bay...and froggy

 having hot cocoa with Froggy....who else?

Shopping at Trader Joes looking for the hidden lobster

 At memorial part feeding the duckies bread....trying to avoid the ones with red heads because baylen is very afraid...he may walk on water if he has to....

Samantha enjoyed lunch today with Pop Pop during the special Veterans day Luncheon
Here she is interviewing him....

It was a special day....lots of smiles and proud moments...
feeling blessed and honored to live in this country....

Proverbs Ministry Devotion today.....
I have been full of busyness, My heart had been burdened at times. I'd fallen into a pattern of focusing on my problems and to-do list instead of taking time to give thanks to God for His goodness in my life.
I intended to make Jesus the center of my attention, but didn't keep that commitment.
The writer of Hebrews wanted Christians to stop putting themselves, other people, or material items, at the center of their attention, and instead draw their gaze back to Jesus.
we can quickly get distracted, become busy, and inadvertently make our obligations and celebrations the focus of our attention. We gradually become self-centered instead of Jesus-centered.
It's one thing to believe in Jesus. It's another to make Him the center of our lives. When we make that important choice and remember to focus on Him and be thankful in all things, our hearts and lives stay in balance.
This Thanksgiving (and every day), let's praise God and commit to making Him our focal point. When we choose to make Jesus the emphasis of our holidays and our lives, we are blessed with the most beautiful centerpiece of all.
Colossians 3:15,

 "And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.
 For as members of one body you are called to live in peace.
 And always be thankful." 


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Picture roll

It was green day in bo's class
they were talking about recycling and saving our planet
Bo got really into it! He was dressed in green from head to toe 
Here he is taking in green rice crispie treats! 
They are both Delicious :)

Pepper your name is perfect
I love your funky style
you melt my heart in your converse
you wear them well
I love you
 Mcrae waiting on the bus....
 Baylen often asks Bo "Bo am I your best buddy..." He usually responds with "yes Baylen, yes you are my best Buddy"
Baylen follows his every move and when they are apart he yearns for him....
 McRae there is a piece of rice crispe on your nose...but you wear it well
 I got up at six fifteen to get Sam and Bo up...only to find Bo doing some Wii dance! That boy makes me smile...a lot
 the campout ROCKED. We played Frisbee and football
 painted pumpkins
 shot bow and arrows...bee bee guns and slept in a tent
 Baylen had a blast and loved to play in dirt
 Sitting by the campfire with my boys...and girl...missed me some Mcrae love...but does not get much better then extra snuggle time and hot chocolate by an open fire...oh and smores too!
 Quite an experience cooking all of your food over a fire....loved it...super fun!
 Boy and his tiger cub buddies...and hulk
 Baylen on crack...I mean candy...same thing
 After the fall festival meet franken-Bo
 Poster for Aladdin...almost time...Samantha has worked super hard and has had so much fun
 This was not staged...sweet girl wants to be a superhero
 Goodies for Bo Sam and Bay's awesome teachers....pumpkin muffins and hand sanitizer that says germs are scary!
 Cupcakes for Baylens class...they almost did not make it
 I could go on and on about Bo's creativity...He had a vision of a scare crow and by golly he made one....and his side kick followed his every move....

 My superheros.....they are my superheros
 My sweet flash
 trick or treat on SSI is about the best thing ever!!!
 Ohhhh I know how to make that boy smile :)
 holy moly!

 ahhh yes it is October and we are surfing the waves!
 What a cutie
 what a blessing
 Pure joy

 No he really did not drink this :)
 My sweet baylen and Huddy
 Bike ride Sunday morning to see airplanes take is hard the last day knowing that it was almost time to is so hard to leave our home away from it to pieces and the memories that we make there.....
 Love that my kids are growing up there like I did
 Rocking it at storytime.....
 My soul mate
 Made Bo a basketball court today...he is so excited about Basketball season....he makes me so happy...We played some one on one today and it was the first time I got a glimpse of my future...He actually stole the ball from me...made a bunch of shots and I was breaking a sweat. Looking forward to many years of basketball in the and baseball in the yard and maybe one day even looking up to see my boys.....
God is SOOOOOO good.....

Today's AWESOME devotion that I was able to read today...thank you Lord for your gentle whispers....

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." 
Matthew 6:6 
I hoped someone had noticed, I rechecked my emails waiting for an "atta girl"
 But none came.
 feelings got hurt with increased intensity each time my work wasn't noticed. 
Shoes on the floor that I picked up, 
dirty dishes I washed that weren't mine, 
the dinner I cooked after a long day. 
The original hurt was growing.
When I finally broke down in tears one quiet Friday afternoon,
 I realized something had gotten mixed up. 
Jesus talked about this very topic. He specifically taught about our motives when doing good deeds and cut right to the core issue in verse one: 
"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven"  
Matthew 6:1 
Jesus wasn't saying don't ever pray out loud; 
He was giving the key to break our desperate need for approval.
 we receive God's approval when we fly under the radar of others and don't parade our deeds in front of them.
 I'd exchanged His whispers of approval for the inconsistent 
and unfulfilling applause from people.