Age 10
Loves Soccer
Loves plays
Loves being busy
Not too fond of her brother Bo (but I know she loves him deep inside)
Loves Loves her brother Baylen
thinks her brother McRae is okay....
Full of emotion....
Full of it and pouring over
Is the sweetest thing ever
but is spicy
She is all flavors wrapped into one
She can be soooo sweet
the next minute full of spice
and the very next very sour
But all in all
she is the most perfect little girl I could ever wish for
Praying for the next few years of changes
that they will bring us even closer
and not split us
Even though lately she has split a lot of hairs on this mommies head....
Age 7
Loves being a tiger cub
Loves selling popcorn
Loves to play outside, make up his own adventures and decorate
He is madly inlove with Batman
But usually gets stuck on one thing and you think it will never pass
Lego Ninjago
Lone Ranger
Loves to hug and cuddle
my biggest hugger or all of them
He loves mission work
he begs to go build houses for the homeless
He loves to give out crackers and water to homeless we pass by
He worries often about children being hurt
He asks sooooooo many questions
On the way to school today he asked them faster then I could answer
and he did not even notice
I could not even keep up
"Why do they call people with glasses nerds"
"Where does the water go after you flush it"
"Is that grass real grass or pretend grass"
Is tommorrow the day after yesterday or the day before Friday" WHAT?
And lastly...and yes all the questions came to me within a 30 sec window as we were walking to school
It is dark right now so why are we going to school so is past my
all I can say sometimes is wow...and smile
Age 3
loves or hates piper
Loves chocolate milk and gummies
would eat junk all day if he could
loves to copy his sisters fits
and his brothers ability to jump off everything
Is so dang smart
Knows 22 of his letters without even pushing it
loves books
loves to play with legos
loves to play outside
thinks Bo is the coolest thing out there
thinks McRae is annoying
adores his sister
loves to jump on the trampoline
Does not like footy pjs because they bother his feet and
"I do not like my pants to connect to my shirt"
Also why he does not like overalls I guess
Has to have everything just sooooooo just right
My look alike
Age 10 months
Has the sweetest smile
Smiles with his eyes
full of life
love every little thing about you
can't wait to see what you become
right now I just love
feeding you
changing you
hugging you
and repeating....
baylens first preschool pic cracks me up
love my Georgia wreath for the month of September
This sums up what happens just about every afternoon around 3:00
Bo spends about an hour outside each day changing up the decorations
Baylen making sure batman fits.....
And now for the real batman
Some soccer shots....season twelve
At touch a truck....baylen makes the funniest faces
Here they are in a fire truck....
And the city bus...whoop whoop!
Bo had an actual conversation with "Mr Recyle Man" as he called him....they bonded...only Bo
Oh Pepper....
Three boys and a girl in a digger....what more could you ask for?
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dawgs...we still love you
My only girl...and she still begs for bows......I told her I would always do them for her....and that you never outgrew a bow in year hair....especially a southern girl :)
Oh Boy, your first badge....Bo earning his Bobcat badge....way to GOOOOOO BOOOOOO
McRae is in LOVE with the shower...he would spend his life in there if he could
NO MORE PASSY FOR BAYLEN I am the BIG brother now!!!!! Mailing them away here is the envelope
And that night we had a Big Boy PARTY!!!!!! And he gave Mcrae new passies...and then he cried...he cried ALOT!!!!!Mommy did too
McRae using Butt Paste on the wrong end
Night two...baylen finally falls asleep without a passy!!! Yeah!!!
After hours of selling popcorn...effortlessly....we headed down to the halloween carnival at the church with the pumpkin balloon animals, made cupcakes, ate pizza, dunked pumpkins, drank apple cider ad best of all......
Rode the spooky BuS!!!!!! Love Love it.....
Today was a good day
a very good day
and to God be the glory
Every step and moment belonged to Him
thank you for the gifts of my kids.....
knowing as they grow help me to enjoy each stage and not yearn for the past
But know that each stage and new stage will be just as treasured.....