So proud of Bo getting the game ball
He was soooo excited
It was the best looking at his face when he got it
nothing better in the world
Camp weekend with Samantha was so wonderfulIt is really neat on the walls there are a bunch of so neat
They pick which ones for each meal...there was like 15 atleast.
Samantha got to know a little girl named zoey right away....they were best buddies
Found a tree that looked like a Y
Playing in the goofy olympics
fun and games
Maddie was another sweet girl that Samantha got to be friends with....she will be at camp with Samantha this summer
Samantha ringing the bell to change groups...she was sooooo excited Ms. Nannette picked her!
Archery....I have to say I dominated this!
At Cinderellas ball......
My only regret, like usual when I look back
Is not diving right in and being good with a new situation
I hate that I have so much anxiety all the time
It is so easy to look back and second guess why you thought or felt a certain way
I look back and think after the fact that we met some fun people
and I got comfortable with my surroundings
but right at the beginning you don't feel that way
I know it is something I really need to work on
I need to be more like my daughter.
I look back at all the worries I have ever had and they seem SO stupid
but in the moment
it is real
so real
It is amazing what my nine year old can teach me
She jumps right in
I will not have regrets
I feel what I feel
and grow from it
I am trying to enjoy each moment no matter what the feeling
knowing that it will be either awesome or a growing experience
The one thing I know for sure
Is that I love my kids more then ANYTHING in the world
and as long as they know that at the end of each day
is all that I want....