Monday, April 29, 2013

Picture Review

So proud of Bo getting the game ball
He was soooo excited
It was the best looking at his face when he got it
nothing better in the world
 Camp weekend with Samantha was so wonderful
It is really neat on the walls there are a bunch of so neat
They pick which ones for each meal...there was like 15 atleast.
 Samantha got to know a little girl named zoey right away....they were best buddies
 Found a tree that looked like a Y
 Playing in the goofy olympics
 fun and games
 Maddie was another sweet girl that Samantha got to be friends with....she will be at camp with Samantha this summer

 Samantha ringing the bell to change groups...she was sooooo excited Ms. Nannette picked her!

 Archery....I have to say I dominated this!
 At Cinderellas ball......

My only regret, like usual when I look back
Is not diving right in and being good with a new situation
I hate that I have so much anxiety all the time
It is so easy to look back and second guess why you thought or felt a certain way
I look back and think after the fact that we met some fun people
and I got comfortable with my surroundings
but right at the beginning you don't feel that way
I know it is something I really need to work on
I need to be more like my daughter.
I look back at all the worries I have ever had and they seem SO stupid
but in the moment
it is real
so real
It is amazing what my nine year old can teach me
She jumps right in
I will not have regrets
I feel what I feel
and grow from it
I am trying to enjoy each moment no matter what the feeling
knowing that it will be either awesome or a growing experience
The one thing I know for sure
Is that I love my kids more then ANYTHING in the world
and as long as they know that at the end of each day
is all that I want....

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Learned so much this weekend
Had an amazing weekend with Samantha at mother daughter.
I learned a lot about myself though
I learned that when I think my anxiety is still is there lurking
I can't believe how uncomfortable I can be when I am out of my comfort zone
My daughter amazes me with how comfortable she is
And I found comfort in that
I was also amazed how God spoke to me all day
At the service at camp this morning Ms. Nanette spoke about being the perfect mom does not mean being perfect
I means just loving your daughter and leaning on God to do the rest
That we have to find the balance of letting them fly and grow
But also wanting to shelter them
To enjoy every single moment
because it goes so so so fast
That we will not get it right all the time
But to ask God to help us and guide us not to be perfect but to fill in the gaps
She spoke of how important camp is to help our girls learn independence
It was so so good to hear
I love that I got to be familiar with where Samantha loves to be

Then on the way home
Chucks sermon was playing in our car
And he too spoke of how we need to not focus on the stuff that does not matter
and focus more on the stuff that does
and how we get bogged down and forget what really matters

And then, at the panel discussion tonight at church...
Your kids grow so fast...enjoy all the moments
It was said that no, we will not be a perfect parent
But what we can do is love our kids unconditionally
and all the rest will take care of it self

I felt with this three messages
coming first thing in the morning ,,mid day...and evening was like God wrapping his giant hands around me saying...
Love your kids....just be there....
Don't worry if you get it right
Just look at them and focus on the here and now
And love love love them
and most importantly
Lean on God
and let him pick up where you let go...

Monday, April 22, 2013

The only time Baylen is not bossing
is when he is asleep
and he looks so sweet
when he sleeps

 Bo getting into the car for the school dance...he was SOOOO excited he could hardly stand it...wish I could show you his moves
 Here is Baylen when he realized was not getting out of the car for the school dance...he was crushed!
 Samantha as we call her..."Sue Sue" at times....spent a while getting ready for the dance....she is the sweetest girl in the WHOLE world....
 Baylens first soccer game...hew as out there like wha in the world is this

 I don't think so
 This is a classic Baylen look

 Oh Me ME....I love you...
 Bo acting like a lion in his lion towel....
 McRae and Bo
 McRae and Samantha
 BO is the sweetest...He was back in our room wrapping up his toys to give Baylen for his birthday,,,,love love his wrapping job...he worked so hard! Love how he cuts paper...check it out

 Baylens b-day invite

 Samantha has been so detailed in her party planning...each girl got a letter with their invite about what color shirt to wear to the photo shoot
I told Bo he looked so handsome I had to snap a pic
you can tell he really loves it
What in the world is Piper doing in the background?

 Yet another funny way I found woody...I tell you baylen is pretty creative
 I leave her with McRae for two seconds and look what happens....sooooooo funny!
Can we say third brother?
 and there is Samantha 10 years earlier.....
 look who is four months
 sometimes Mcrae gets brought in his bucket seat...and stays right here for a good while before I can get to him...and he smiles the whole time...what a trooper....I feel so bad sometimes....sorry buddy....
 Enjoying Thursday night picnics with our spring time in five points...and Earth Fare!
 We love you Grammy...happy birthday.....

Monday, April 15, 2013

He has grown so much...I love it when they just wanted to cuddle
 Crazy Cra Cra hair
 Silly with Sam
 Always dreamed to be surrounded

 Found this after Baylen went to bed...ha ha!
 Bo was SOOOO proud that McRae was dressed like him
 Just had to get some fun poses is!