I am putting my feet up
and letting out a deeeeeep breath
Thank the Lord Kevin came home for an early night....7:00
First in a very long while
and it was amazing to watch his patience with baylens
on and on and on demands
lasted about ahhhh
a minute
thank goodness Sam and Bo were on their A game
or their may have been a small
at 145 Parkway Drive
and thank goodness Piper had not dug anything up today
Well I don't want to think about it..
I have had one of those days that I have really reflected on
while I have been at stop lights in the car
It really was an amazing day....
But first I must paint a picture.....
We started the day at the peditrition for Bo's check up
which during the entire visit Baylen was grabbing my chin saying
I wanna go home I wanna go home I wanna go home
and yes
and over
and over
I swear that child is a broken record
it is like he gets stuck and he will not let up
really he will not
So if that was not enough
I got to surprise the three of them with......
Flu shots
they were thrilled
So then off to the playgroud
Which I thought would be good
But the three of them at the playgroud
Not so much
Bo wanted to play zombie and scare the you know what out of Sam and Bay
which were not into it at all
So instead of hearing
I wanna go home over and over
Here I heard
Bo Stop
BO Stop
over and over and over
The highlight was when Bo ripped his shirt off and did a lap around the track
only stopping for chin ups
and then Baylen wanted to join in
only to stop half way around the track
at its furthest point to yell
get me
get me
So I did
and our journey contined to the orthadontist
Which my luck had some older grandmoms in the waitning room
which did not seem at all interested in my brood
and gave me that look I have gotten
many times with three kiddos
and a belly
So as they were on and off the couch and fighting over the tooth chair
I decided to get them some hot chocolate
which was a bad choice since it was SOOOOO HOT!
Baylen did not understand
and so we went again
I want some
Its too hot honey
I want some
its too hot honey
and on and on
until he proceeded to pull it out of my hands
and yes
it went all over the sofa
moving on
we were called back to a very little room
with nothing in it by very breakable things
like models of teeth
and sharp things
So as they were telling me about the thousands of dollars it was going to take to fix
Samanthas teeth
Bo was using the stool to spin around and around and around
as he opened every drawer asking
whats that
whats this
and putting things on his head
and I would calmly say
Bo sweet honey love bug
lets not do that
And then Baylen
oh bless his heart
was on a new phrase
perhaps the worse of the day
mommy I need new diaper
new diaper
new diaper
new diaper
as if the new scent that has just appeared in the room
had not made us all aware
I had to excuse myself for a moment
from three doctors
to go and take care of buisness
if I could do it over again
I would not take two boys between the ages of 2 and 6 to a orthadotist consultation
on a posisitve note
we did make it through
only for Samantha to tear up in the parking lot
about everything that was talked about
she was not in the slightlest phased about how here brothers acted
she was more concerend with what was said
the money it was costing
the surgery
the cranks
and all the other strange words they were using that she did not understand
but knew could not be good
I realized that I had not yet really digested all of that
since I was consmued by
thing one and
thing two
did I mention that my pants were way too tight at the waist band and I swear they were cutting off circulation to the babies head
we calmed down and we moved on and we delieved thanksgiving food to the needy
which put things in perspective
which it always does
and then I came home
and sat for a moment
and read an update from the little girl Samamthas age battleing cancer
that is not doing well
and is in lots of pain
which put things into perspective
and then I saw on the news that the little boy that had a limb fall on him
was responding but still had tubes in him and a long road ahead
which put things into perspective
as I was wallowing in the dollar signs
and the uncomfortableness that I feel
and the patience that was being tested
I found myself smiling and really thinking what a wonderful day it really was
That I crave taking care of so many
and seeing how far my patience really will go
becuase I know in a blink of an eye
I will have no more braces to pay for
Boy that climbs the walls like Spiderman
Diapers to change
or pokes in my belly
I will just have a super clean house
that stays that way
because no one will come through to wreck it
and that will make me VERY sad
even if it sounds nice for a moment
Was today a good day
why yes it was
it was life for me
and it ended with giving Bo a quarter at the grocery store and letting him decide if he wanted to put it in the basket for the salvation army
or put it in the machine to get a plasitc toy
he did ponder
but he chose the bucket
and it made my heard swell
and then to see two happy boys over joyed with cookies from the bakery
it is the little things
And that Bo seemed so proud of himself at basketball practice
as he kept wiping his forehead with the sweat rag he instisted on bringing
and his manners were soooo good....he loves to impress
he really does
Tree Decorating Time!
Love that she loves her hair done and bows!
Making cookies for teachers Thansgiving gifts
Go Dawgs
Baylen celebrating after the Georgia Win and the number 1 and 2 team fall
Gooooo Dawgs
Sam picked out these pjs without knowing what I was putting on baylen...
They told Santa what they wanted...
bo said ninja zane and Samtntha said an easy bake oven
Five Points open house....very fun
Just off the horse ride...Baylen LOVED it
Bo told me he was a chef
and made me a flower
carrots on yogurt around a cucumber
Bo found it quite funny that I can put things on my belly
They both are pretty facinated with the kicks they can feel when they put their hands on my belly
I hope I never forget the feeling of a baby doing sumersaults in my belly
I hope I never forget the feeling of Samantha grabbing my hand
I hope I never forget when Bo hugs me out of the blue and says mommy I just love you so much
and cuddles at night in our bed
I hope I never forget how it feels to rock Baylen singing songs with a blanket and a passy
So keep on looking people
keep on looking at me with the eyebrows raised
and the whews
you have got your hands full comments
not really
my heart is full
that just about sums it up