Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday Whatevers

I can not help but to post today's devotion....knocked my socks off

"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him." James 1:12 

There are days when I feel like the stress of being a parent just might push me over the edge. Despite my unfailing love for my sweet children, sometimes the thought of a mini-vacation from parenting sounds mighty enticing. Especially on the days when I am suffering from a severe case of mommy stress.
When children are little, the demands they place on a parent are physically exhausting, to say the least. But as they grow into adolescents, the physical exhaustion is quickly replaced by emotional exhaustion.
Instead of our bodies suffering through sleepless nights, lugging piles of laundry, and the constant smell of messy diapers, our hearts suffer with stressful worries. Worries like whether or not our children will make it home safely, if they're making the right friends, and if they are strong enough to stand up for what's right in the face of peer pressure.
The journey of parenting children, from toddlers to teenagers, is a strenuous one. Each season presents it's own set of stressful challenges. We can easily pour ourselves out completely and end up feeling empty and discouraged. 

 James tells us to keep a proper perspective on the situations which require perseverance. For example, James 1:2-5 confirms that everyone will face trials, and we must keep in mind that our perseverance will result in maturity and completion.
He also says that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God who will generously provide the answers and help needed to get through our most difficult days. I don't know about you, but I need parenting wisdom and guidance on a minute-by-minute basis!
As we persevere through the stress that comes with parenting, we can have hope knowing that God will provide us with strength and wisdom. He will be pleased that we didn't give up. That we kept seeking Him and trusting Him through each and every trial.

Hebrews 10:36, "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." 

I have to say
Today has been one of those days that I look around me and see how blessed I am
There are so many seasons of life
We sometimes say we had an awful day
but did we really
did we?
My bad day, is many good day, if tat makes since
I feel like nothing is just happen stance
We have those odd things happen
to show us God is RIGHT there with us!
As I pray for those around me that are going through different seasons
I am reminded of how generous others are when i am struggling!

I want to close with something simple...

i love that Baylen is talking up a storm, dancing and jumping
and the funniest things come out of his mouth
I love rocking you at night as you look up at me and ask me "through your passy" to sing Jesus loves me,,,now does it get better then that...for real yall!

I love that Bo does not have a front tooth and that I feel so blessed the he is getting an awesome education at shcool...

Samantha I love that you will always  apologize if you do something wrong...and want a start over
I love that you reallly do have the kindest heart of anyone I know
I love that you want to always help and take charge
and organize your room.....whoop whoop!

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