If I have not said it yet...Bo you are so funny! Samantha, I always have a hard time when it is your last day of school, not becasue school is out, but you are a year older! How could you be done with Kindergarten, first grade and now second? Yall three are perfect.Bo you sleep with us every night. Baylen you wake up a few times needing your passy, and Sam sometimes you will wonder in. Bo you are always showing off at partys. You love to wear your boots. Daddy really made my day when he said I was a great mom, you are a great dad daddy! Bo you pat me all of the time and say I hold you you always want to be with me. I am so thankful for a supportive family that loves eachother so much. Sometimes Bo you will just come out of your room like at 10:30 and just sit with us like it is no big deal. You say, hi five mommmy. I love it when yall want to play dress up and when you want to include the dogs! We had so much fun going to Harris Shoals Park and playing on the playground and in the creek. It is so fun just watching yall. Sam you have gotten so good at riding your bike! You love to go on bike rides after dinner. We go behind the Waltons house a lot and yall ride in that parking lot. I love to lay with yall and just watch a movie. Bo says, don't close your eyes mommy. I love to watch Bo in the yard with his tool belt and boots on. Bo you dress up in Walkers Spiderman costum thinking you can fly. You also use to say, to infinity and beyond! Sam you love to read to walker and Bo on your bed. Bo and sam yall have been playing together so well. Baylen you just watch in amazement!
I love to watch yall fly kites. Bo you are so huggy. You always hug me and say you love me! Bo you get in boots and stand on your bed and play the guitar. Sam I love our alone time, We like to do art stuff. I love that I am responsible for yall, Bo I loved watching you at the preschool run down the hall when you would see me. Sam you would love to wear a bracelt of mine to go to school. You also want kisses on your hands to go into school. You would earn stickers in first grade with no tears. Yall also loved to go to PTA meetings with me. We had fun going to the strawberry patch and family fun day at the Oconee county library. Yall also love the little things, like mommy being mysery reader or just planning for your birthday parties. I love to watch you and the dogs sleep. So peaceful. I also love to watch you play outside. Bo today you said to me (talking about daddy) I am so glad you married that guy! Bo, you dig in the dirt and it is amazing. Your carry dead lizards and just love it! We had the tummy bug and you had upset tummy and did not make it to the potty. You said if daddy knew he would slap your booty and put a diaper on you! I love our new fence and the flowers blooming. A few weeks we took the kids to the circus and it was so much fun! Nothing was better then a beautiful day, sitting in front yard with bubbles, sprinkler, Watching the kids play, the dogs chill . I miss Riley but we made a memory garden today that I love so much, now she is still with us outside. Bo at preschool you fell on your nose. We also love to go to tennis matches and track meets, and bo's t-ball games. Bo you still love to get decorations for every holiday. It is so fun to watch you walk out of the store with your new loot. Baylen you are so close to walking. Sam you played awesome in your last Soccer came with church leauge. Bo you said daddy was not surpressed, when you meant surprised. Also, Bo you love for me to read to you and sing you are my sunshine.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
We went to the zoo and had such an amazing time. It was the perfect day! It was so fun to be with the kids and daddy and just being together. We had such a great time watching the gorriallas and the pandas. Bo loved the snakes and getting a prize at the end at the shop. Samantha loved checking off animals that she saw and Baylen loved to eat! It was the perfect day finished off with Happy Meals! Love you guys!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
last day of school
School is out for Samantha. I had fun going to her school today to play four square, watch her hula hoop in the talent show and just be with her. I can't believe she will be in the third grade. Baylen has started to do this new thing with his mouth. He opens it so wide when you is excited about something. He gets laughing so hard when the kids do funny things. He loves to eat. Today is the first day of Summer for all three...what will we do today...pick strawberries, go to the library and shopping for daddy's birthday!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
May notes

Okay, so I have decided to change some things up a bit. I originally did this blog for a journal for myself to keep up with memories of the kids, but now I want to share it with everyone. I apologize if past letters seem silly, just love my kids! Also, I was rigid about only posting on the day of Samantha Bo and Baylens birthdays each month, but I am changing that. With Riley passing away, which I can not believe happened the night of my last blog...I have learned no to be so rigid. I will post maybe everyday, twice a day, not few a few days. I will still post pics of kids on the last day of the month, but will blog as I feel moved. These first two weeks of May have been a blur for me. Our sweet Riley passed away Thursday night April 28th, we found out April 29th, it was a Friday, morning of the Royal Wedding, and Samantha's Slumber party. The day is a blur for me. I have put together a scrapbook and memory book that includes memories from her life and journals that others have written to me, and I have written these past two weeks. I have learned a lot about myself. For one, I love deep. I grieve deep. I have learned that I am not in control like I so often think I am, and that my faith had to endure a little work. I have discovered, cried, realized, worried, guilt tripped, read, talked, prayed and the list goes on and on....I have come to many conclusions but the main one is that we should live in the moment, count our blessings and be content with just being.
In the midst of Riley passing that Friday I spent basically the whole day with her not wanting to let go. Then I did have to to plan for eight little girls to come to our house for a birthday party. The next day was off to t-ball and soccer and then Baylens first birthday on Sunday. He had a Very Hungry Caterpillar Party. Monday and Tuesday just went by and then we celebrated Samantha's eighth birthday. Then Bo graduated from pre-k that Friday. An emotional 7 days to say the least. We got through it, I was there, but not there. We are not sure what did happen to Riley, she had pancrintitis, but not sure that is what got her. I do know it was her time, it was not my time for it to be her time, but that is just one of the many lessons I have learned in this process. Walker is grieving her loss to as he wears her collar around and leaves her food each night.
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