Samantha, you are so sweet. You do a performance for me tonight, you worked on it for over an hour. You had tickets ready and Baylen and I came. It was in my room and you hopped and leaped around with a stick and seemed so happy. It was so cute and reminded me so much of what I use to do at your age. You started Brownies last week and you love it! You also sold scarves you made at Barrow's Holiday market and you want to donate the money. I am so proud of you. You are a planner and a worrier, but you love to have fun and be busy! You are so good and kind. You are learning that not everyone is kind, it is a hard lesson. I love playing with you and having our spa days on Sundays. I love you pepper!
Bo you are a hoot. You are always still singing monster mash. you sat on me today and sang the whole thing as your vein in your neck popped out. You are always in costume. Your favorite things for christmas were still halloween things, like scooby doo haunted mansion and dr bones! when you get mad you run at people and say how you dare! you say just one more pack of my chocolate milk. You say, your the best! you are full of energy and are either 100 miles an hour or asleep. you are always wearing your boots. you love to eat snacks and not meals. Baylen is in the tub right now and you just walked in a tinkled on him! Bo! You are having trouble with potty talk. You say about a million funny things each day!
Baylen. You are as happy as ever! You are almost crawling. You are clapping. You love to look at your brother and sister, they make you laugh so much! You love to sit and play. You are on a great schedule with sleeping, nap in am and pm. You love bath time and our cuddle time after bath. I love to rock you with your bottle alone. You are standing holding on and you have the FATEST legs ever! You are dimples! You are really growing this month, you are looking all around. You won cutest baby for the year with this pic!