Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tuesday Treasures

So some funny  things that have come out of McRae's mouth this week....

"What do we have" = what is going on today...this is what he says to me each morning when he wakes up

"This is so salicious" = this is very delicious

Baylens word of the week that he has been using is "involved" He uses it in just about every sentence.

What I treasure this week thus far....

UGA home football games with my dad and thumb high fiving after a score....having devotions everyday with my small MrCrae is and how is so so not the body type of the other three...
Samanthas ability to just smile...through every emotion...well except when she is mad or frustrated...but she can turn it on  a dime and when others come around she can smile like nothing is bothering her. I treasure that she is such  a tom boy and love the challenge of sports yet she loves girly things like dresses, princesses and cutesy things. I treasure that she sleeps with her lovie, loves to hang out with her parents and watch tv at night instead of stay alone in her room, she is such a little mother to her brothers. I love that she is such a mix of her mom and dad. I love that she is spunky spicy yet so compassionate and sincere. I love that she owns it when she is being  a butt....and is a leader yet still very shy....

Baylen I treasure that you want to play a game with me like everyday and have craft time. You invent in your head your crafts. Even though it can be exhausting you want to change what your are doing just about every 4.2 minutes. Fort, race track, make a puppet, make a periscope, birdfeeder, bake, color, get out play-dough....I am exhausted thinking about it! You are a busy bee....yet know your boundaries because you must eat between each transition. Note your loves do not include breaking a sweat

McRae. I adore our time together during the day. Even though a lot of it gets eaten up takeing your siblings to appointments or practices....or going to their school. You are still my side kick. I treasre story parties, lego building galore and and errands we run around town. You are so smart and that scares me sometimes.

Bo, I love that you are quite content with just chilling. You do not need much other then a yard  a baseball and a bat. You love to be barefoot like McRae,,,,,yet you love shoes...the very right ones. You are by far the most vain in the house....yet the most passionate. It is hard to understand. You like certain brands and will not falter on this...yet you so would give to the poor like no body else I know. You do enjoy socializing and being with friends is like a drug for you. Your sister and brothers could go weeks without can;t go more then an hour.

And yes I treasure the Halloween store that we spend way too much time at!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

To say he is not happy about this outfit is an understatement

Baylen learning how to put gas in the car.....
Daddy teaching the girls why you do not procrastinate and make a wheel barrow on your own in one afternoon.....I think he had more fun then they did
Sad to see these guys leave...Baylen wore the heck out of them....they were even his lucky shoes for coach pitch