Friday, July 26, 2013

First blog as a 36 year old

I will get more on the ball once school starts....
I would like to blog more...
where does the time go...

Here is the cutest baby IN THE WORLD.....

And he knows it

 Has Samanthas eyes
 Bo's Head and tone and face shape....
 baylens mouth and nose.....
 Now down memory lane
that is what happens when you pull old photos out of the attic...the kids loved looking at them...Kevin at Samanthas age....
 Can't imagine life before kids...what did I do with my time...I guess I ran....that seems like forever ago...about to run by where Kevin purposed....seems like so long ago
 Vandy meet...again the kids flipped over these pics

 We were like 18!
 And now back to real life....Bo is such a hoot...Sand Bo...and his side kick that copies his EVERY move!

 I promise you...mark my word...this boy is going to be something when he grows up....he is going to rock our a good way....I love that boys...he is sooooo very special to me

 Special time with Grandaddy...watching westerns
 Wanted to see what Baylen would look like as a girl....hee hee hee

 Oh my goodness...this is the most smiley baby EVER....his grammy would have eaten him up!

 Look at little miss sassy...I tell you what...she is one cutie patootie! And she knows it, but is SOOOO sweet and kind.....

 What a ham...check out that hair!

 After seeing the Lone Ranger...Bo quickly acts the movie out in the yard...yelling for his dog Silver to follow him....too bad Piper did not understand her name had been changed....

 I found the boys in the pack in play with McRae...I do not know who was having more fun!
 Yes, during rest time Samantha picked the game Pretty Pretty Princess to was so fun...I remember playing this over and over with her...I have to say, baylen enjoyed it a little too much...

 Proving Baylen looks like me....

 This made me laugh so much...The boys were making McRae laugh but in turn he was making them laugh just as much.....Can't wait to see what they are like as they grow (I really can wait, you know what I mean)

 Little did we know after three daughters....there would be four grandsons....what a handsome bunch....7, 3, 2, 0   just think when they are 20, 16, 15 and 13!

I have much to blog about.....will in the next few days...the kids have blessed my days tremendously...said funny things and have lots of memories to report...would like to update lots of things....August is back to school and back to will be good....
but for now, its back to the beach....can't wait!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Beach Fun

Week three at the beach
I know I know
but has been so much fun
others have been in and out 
but the five of us have stayed put
McRae has spent about 1/3 of his life here!
Here is the last picture of ducky pj's
barely could get them on him

  Bo was very excited about matching swim shirts

 this is what you do on rainy days...draw the lone ranger and Tonto on hands...

 and ninja turtles
 surfer dude
 Baylen is very worried about McRae getting his gummies
 McRae is thinking I don't want your gummies...I am just chillin
 Can't believe Baylen was the one wearing the pirate bathing suit being held by Bo just two years ago!
 Not so flattering...but proof I ran a 5 K
 My sweet little supporters

 Happy Fourth of July

 Baylen is such a ham....McRae is like what?

 Cutie pies
 The happiest baby EVER

 Cousins out to dinner..they had a feast!

 Love my hubby....

 Okay...this is such a funny sequence

 Okay so Bo caught this fish with his bear hands
 Here is what Bo worked so hard is St. Simons Island...with the tour of France track around it...he gave us all a tour and was very excited!
 Grandaddy is such a trooper...with that Big shovel digging a hole for the kids....four boys and one sweet girl! Reminds me of when we were growing was always so involved at the beach.....

 My girl
 How did she grow up so fast...and no that is not me in the back ground
 Grandaddy and Bo with a big fish net trying to catch something out in the ocean.....
 They got some minnos
 Bo thought this was so fun
 baylen not so much
 This did not turn out as planned....Bo and McRae were the only ones okay with number one and three were very particular as usual :)
 They got a kick out of both picking out a shirt with a crab!
 Fun memories.....watching'n hot dogs.....Bo wants to be just like grandaddy
 Fishin on the pier

 I promise this baby is ALWAYS this happy

 Getting ready for a big swim!
 Love it after a big day at the time with games and fun....pool for a few hours...then into pj's...the life
I am so happy that my kids get to grow up living at the beach like I feel like I did as a child
I remember going to Clearwater and having so many so many
We got this beach house when Bo was McRaes age.....that is all he Baylen and McRae know...and Sam was just two. I am so happy about the memories they will and are creating.....

I do want to say a few things that have been on my mind that I keep thinking I want to blog about...some funny things about the kids....
First of all...some funny sayings that Baylen says
"yes you was" instead of "yes you were"
lemlade (lemonade)
dandade (bandade)
hice cream (ice cream)

I love that McRae rubs his head when he drinks his bottle
I also never want to forget what a sleeping baby looks like all cozy in their sweet