Bo! You are so amazing! Here you are jumping in the leaves! You love to play outside. Today we played football and you wore your helment. You are so happy. You absolutly LOVE to work and be busy decorating and building. You drag everything and build something. You have such an imagination. It is so fun to watch you and just wonder what Baylens thing will be. You are so fun. You say, great idea mommy, I love you so much mommy, just one more time mommy, I gota lot of work to do mommy. We also had fun when Samantha and I were playing santas workshop and making scarves you just built a snowman with boxes and moved decorations around. you could do this for hours! You also just played with samanthas toys while we played game night, you just kept saying, I just love you. You are so sweet. You are rougth thought, you always break your toys. You love school and you are so proud when you do good. You always want me to tell your teachers things you do! You are so sweet to Baylen you always pull his legs and arms and say, I love you bay, your mom broterh bay you say it in the funniest voice. you love potty talk though! I love you bo!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Samantha you have really come out of your shell. Here you are with Baylen reinacting "Charley bit my finger". You are always jumping around dancing and being silly. You still are very shy around people you do not know. You are also a drama queen! You are always wanting to know exactly what is going on, where when how and why...24 hours a day! You do not like bows in your hair, or on your clothes. You love to do crafts with mommy, warm milk, lovie and being at home in your pj's. You help so much with Baylen!

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Samantha news
Samantha. You are such a big girl now. We had your conference and Mrs. Brink thinks you are so good, use such good manners and are such a joy to teach. YOu sitll worry a lot. We are working on that. You are doing so good in school. You have a mind of your own though, always doing what you want to do and are on your TIme. THis is a good think becuase you will get places quicker. It is not always about who get htere first thoguth. You are a star.
Baylen 6 months
Baylen. You are six months. You are starting to get a lot more hair. You are taking a bath in a big tub now with your Brother and sister. Samantha loves to hold you. You are starting to really look into my eyes when I am talking to you and coo. You are sitting up now and love to play and bat at toys. You are so sweet. You are so happy all of the time. You have such fat thighs and little feet. Your dimples are getting bigger. You are still eating four bottles but now are eating breakfast lunch and dinner. You love to eat. You love your passy. You do not like your carseat. You are so easy going and everyone says you look just like Bo. We went to the beach and you were so good in the car, not a single cry on the way there or back. You sleep really well for an hour in the moring and a little over two hours in the afternoon. I love you so much Baylen. YOu are so sweet, sweet is what you are. Look what your sister did to you in this picture. Bo always comes to you and plays with your feet and sings to you a crazy loud song!
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